I struggle to share my goals because I want to keep my motivations pure. I want to be motivated by the things that set me on the path after these goals in the first place, and I don't want the fear of failure or the possibility of shame weighing me down and making me heavier. It can seem so silly to care so much, especially when I know that I care so little, except that I recognize that even the Lord understands this tension - it's the same one Moses used in the wilderness to keep Him from destroying His people.
At the same time, I absolutely believe in accountability. I believe it's important to have folks in this world who hold you to it, whatever it is. Who hold you to your promises, even the ones you make to yourself. Who hold you to your word, because words are life. Who hold you to your pursuits, because they understand what drove you in the first place.
I believe in having folks around you who will remind you what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how it's supposed to be making you feel when the going gets tough. I believe it's important to have those voices on the hard days that remind you that even though you feel weak right now, you're doing this because you believe it will make you stronger.
It kind of goes back to what I said a few weeks ago about having someone who will stand in agreement with you.
This person will never use shame as a motivator. They'll never remind you that you aren't allowed to fail because someone might get the wrong impression. They'll never mock you to motivate you. They'll never tease your dark side. This person calls out your light and reminds you of everything you'd remind yourself of if you weren't in a funk right now.
I am fortunate because I am really good at latching onto the things God puts in my heart and motivating myself. I'm good at letting the Spirit nudge me forward and keep me going. I have ways of making notes to myself that encourage me in the ways that I need to be encouraged, of keeping track of things so that my progress keeps me going. Of reminding myself that if I quit now, then I came so far only to come so far...and asking myself what I would tell myself tomorrow if I quit today.
I have a book where I track certain things. And on the days I don't feel like putting in the work, on the days the discipline is hard, on the days I'm not sure I want to keep going, I recognize that if I don't do it today, then I have to look at that blank space forever. That's enough to get me to do it.
But I am also thankful for the small group of friends that I have that remind me that I'm growing. That remind me what I'm working toward. That know what's going on and neither push nor pull, but walk along beside me as I go after those things in my heart.
And that's really the thing. That's the accountability we all need - someone who is walking alongside us on the road God's put us on that keeps us motivated not to quit. That keeps reminding us what's at the end of this road and all the stuff we're going to see and do along the way. That stays excited for the journey even when there's been a rock in my shoe for the past mile and a half.
We should all be blessed with such folks.
We should all be such a blessing to others.
So not everyone knows what I'm working toward in this seasons - my goals, my projects, the "things" I am "doing." But a few folks do. And they keep my heart going.