Thursday, January 30, 2025

God Eternal

Are you looking forward to heaven? 

Most of us are.

Most of us like talking about that glorious day when pain will be no more, when creation will be restored, when we will know as we were meant to know and see as we were meant to see. We talk about that day when work will be fruitful instead of laborious, when love will be pure, when joy will be complete. 

We talk about heaven, and we talk about the experience that we're going to have there as creatures of a loving God. We talk about a New Jerusalem and streets paved with gold. We talk about a mansion with our name on it, with our address right outside on the mailbox. We talk about reuniting with loved ones long passed, with furry friends gone before, with unborn babies we never met. 

We talk about heaven, and it is glorious. Glorious

But we so seldom talk about the glory. 

Friends, what makes heaven so glorious is not that it is perfect. It is not that we will be perfect. It is not that we will be perfect. What makes heaven so glorious is that the Lord Himself is there. 

He will dwell with us, as He did in the garden. He will walk with us, as He always intended to. We will see Him face to face, as we did when we first opened our human eyes. The Lord will be there in all of His fullness, in all of His glory, and friends...God is better than heaven. (Psalm 148:13)

God is better than the best dreams we have of what eternity is going to be like. God is better than the most wonderful visions we have of what it will be like to walk through those pearly gates. God is better than anything that might reflect or twinkle off of those shiny streets of gold. The address on our mailbox is glorious only because we're living in God's neighborhood. 

You can walk across the street in heaven (metaphorically, of course), and borrow a cup of sugar from the Lord Himself. 

And that's better than any of the (admittedly) good visions we already have of the place. I promise. 

So does His Word. 

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