It can be tempting when we face challenges, especially when we face the same challenges over and over, to think that there must be something wrong with God. Wasn't He supposed to deliver us from this? Or keep it from happening altogether?
We do our best to change our lives, to do better, to grow, to break our chains and overcome our habits, and yet, like Paul, it feels like so many of us still wrestle with our thorn in the flesh. Or with someone else's thorn in the flesh - that thing that makes them treat us like we're their problem.
It's frustrating. In a world in which we have put our faith in God, Who is so good, why must we continually open our eyes and see wickedness all around us, even in us?
The truth is that we don't understand. We can't understand. On this side of eternity, there are things about God that simply don't make sense to our finite minds (or hearts or souls). There is an ache in this broken world that, no matter how much faith we have, we can't seem to get past.
Such is the reality of being human in the curse.
But what faith does is it keeps our eyes focused on what we do know, which is that God is good and He is working and things are not always as they seem. Faith is the thing that keeps us moving forward when it feels like there's a big stumbling block right in our way. Faith is the thing that keeps us believing in, even trusting in, God when things today feel an awful lot like they did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. Faith is the thing that keeps us persevering because we know that it won't always be like this.
If even the smallest of the promises of God is true, it won't always be like this.
And one day, we will get to the place where we can see that. We will get to a point where our finite selves start to wrap around something infinite. We will get to the point where we finally see and know as we were created to see and know, and we will declare with all of God's people:
The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him! (Psalm 92:15)
Indeed, no evil at all. Nothing wicked. Nothing even wrong.
God is simply right, in all that He does, whether that's something we can see and understand on this side of eternity or not.
Let us trust in that and persevere until the day when we know it will all the certainty of infinity.
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