Wednesday, January 15, 2025

God of Good Things

The Bible tells us to let our yes be yes and our no be no; it's as simple as that. And the reason that it is so simple is because God Himself is the Word and His yes is simply a yes and His no is simply a no, so if we're aspiring to be like our Lord (in whose image we are created), then we have to speak words with the same promise. 

And promise, they have. 

Every single Word that God has spoken has come true. What's even more important than that is that every single Word that God has spoken is good

God has done every good thing He has promised. (Psalm 119:65)

When I look back over my life, it's not entirely good. At least, it doesn't look that way on the surface. I've had some struggles. I've had some fights. I've made some mistakes. I...keep making mistakes. I've said some things that I regret, made some promises I haven't kept, acted in ways that were, fundamentally, not good. 

And yet, at the same time, when I look back over my life, I recognize that every good word God has spoken in my life has come to fulfillment. Or it is coming to fulfillment. Or, even if I can't see it coming to fulfillment yet, I believe it in such a way in my soul that I know that it is...whether it makes worldly sense or not. 

I look at my life and, as I said the other day, recognize that God loves me. That He is good to me. And that He really has done every good thing He promised, big and small. 

I think that's what trips us up. We talk about the promises of God, and we end up talking about the big promises of God: His Son, the Cross, the Empty Tomb, the mansion He's building us, the restoration of all things, redemption. And we sort of kind of blow past these promises because some of them are fulfilled (Christ is risen) and some, we're still waiting on, and we do this cute little poetic thing where we call it "the-already-but-not-yet" that we're living in, but God's promises are greater than the big things. 

God's promises are the little things, too. 

The little things like never leaving nor forsaking you. The little things like holding you in His hand. The little things like clothing you better than the birds of the air or the flowers of the field. The little things like making you beautiful, confident, hopeful, strong, loving. 

The little things like making you you and loving you so, so deeply. 

When you think about the promises of God in your life and the good things He's done, what do you think about? 

In what little ways has He been good to you? 

Do you know that His yes is a yes? 

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