Quick: name a miracle of God.
Now, name another.
Got a third?
If you're like most Christians, you've got a whole database of the miracles of God somewhere in your head, or maybe in your heart. Parting of the Red Sea, healing of the blind, resurrection. The Bible is literally full of stories of the miracles of God, and we have read them, heard them, sang them, play-acted them, and flannel-graphed them enough that we know them by heart.
Now, name a miracle of God from your own life.
Oh, sure, we have stories of the goodness of God. The time He's been better to us than we deserve. The times when He's worked things out for us that we didn't think were possible. The times when we've been healed, restored, redeemed.
But we wouldn't call those miracles. At least, we usually don't. Those are just stories of God being God, of Him being good, of us living by faith and reaping the benefits of what we've sowed.
Friend, tell me - why is it a miracle for God to give sight to the blind but not a miracle for Him to give health to your body? Why is it a miracle for Him to part the Red Sea, but not a miracle for Him to make a way for you? Why is it a miracle for God to resurrect Lazarus, but not for Him to fill you with new life?
Those stories about God, the ones we so easily remember from our own lives, those are miracles. Those are acts of God that break the natural order of things. Those are moments when God has stepped in and found us on the side of the road, the edge of the sea, the grave and done for us exactly what He did in the stories that we're so quick to call miracles...are still miracles.
Know how I know?
They're unforgettable. (Psalm 111:4)
That's why they're so easy for us to recall. If we read them in someone else's story, we'd call them miracles. If we heard someone else recall them so readily, we'd call them miracles. It's just hard, I guess, because we struggle to believe we're worthy of miracles. But..we are worthy and they are miracles.
And we'll keep telling the story of them over and over and over again.
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