Thursday, January 9, 2025

God Saves

I am a person who is so thankful for second chances. But you know what I'm even more thankful for? 

Third chances. 

And fourth chances. 

And fifth chances.... 

You get the point. 

I am a person who just seems to keep messing things up, often in the same ways. I swear to myself, and even to God, that if I had an opportunity to do it all over again, I'd do things differently, but somehow, I keep ending up on a path that leads me to the same broken places. Like a bad horror movie (as depicted in a not-too-old commercial), I keep hiding behind the chainsaws when there's a running car right there to take me away. 

I'm silly that way, and I'm betting that you are, too. 

But it's more than that. Sometimes, my life gets into these seasons when there just doesn't seem to be a safe place to escape. Where there's a lion down one path and a bear down the other and if I turn around, I can see the lightning and wind coming from behind me and it seems like if I could somehow even jump high enough into the air to get around it all, there would be a swarm of bees up there, waiting.

This is the reality of living in a broken, fallen world like ours. 

I can come back from one failure, set my feet on solid ground, and find even that ground starting to move. It can be frustrating. 

What do you do in a time like this? Where do you turn? What do you put your hope in? 

In the God who saves His people. In the God who, Psalm 106 says, saves His people many times

That God is our God. That God is our Father who sent His Son, who sent His Spirit, so that when we face situations like these in our lives, we can know that help is not only coming; it is here. God tames the lion and slays the bear and calms the storm and dispels the bees and heals the broken places and makes new paths and offers new opportunities and saves me from this broken world and saves me from...myself. And He does so many times. Many times upon many times upon many times over. 

And He does the same for you. 

So whatever you're facing today, know that there is hope. There is grace. There is confident assurance. Because our God is a God who saves. 

Again and again and again. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Just what I needed to read.
