Thursday, February 20, 2025

Stand in Agreement

Here's the response you're really looking for when you make a bold proclamation about what God is doing: 


When I recently made such a proclamation, I had a couple such responses. One friend I was talking to said, "I stand in agreement with you on that. That sounds amazing! So I'm your two." (Where two or more come together in My name...) 

Someone else said, "Yes! That is exactly the kind of thing God would do. I'm so happy for you!" 

Remember - this bold proclamation has not yet come to pass. But in contrast to the person who wants me to bring it about on my own power and the one who is feigning hope for the remote possibility, these persons who enthusiastically celebrate the awesomeness of our God, unashamedly, in response to something that hasn't even happened yet...these are my persons. These are the kind of persons you want in your life. 

Because here's what else is true about them: these are the persons who are most ready to let you grow. To let you heal. To let you become whatever new thing God is doing in you. 

Someone who stands in agreement with you will come back and ask you how it's going. And when they do, they'll ask you as though it's already a done deal. They will remind you, just by their asking, of your confident assurance when you made the statement. They'll help you remember and continue to believe. In the already and the not yet, when you're still waiting but you still know, these are the persons who don't let you forget. 

God is doing a very cool thing, and He's doing it in your life, because He is who He says He is and you can bank your life on that. 

I am so thankful for persons like this in my life. I really am. There is absolutely nothing like daring to believe, trusting God, taking Him at His Word, and having Him lead someone into your sacred space who, without hesitation, just says Yes! 

I'm your two. 

Let us believe and build on this, for truly, I tell you, it is coming to pass. Right now. To the glory of God who is with us. 


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